Home & Private Education Under Attack

(Visit the Political Updates page from AHEA for more information.)

Most of you may not be aware of the fact that the last few years have seen a series of trials and much tribulation for private schools generally and home education in particular. Our job has always been to shield our parents and students from government intrusion into what God has called us to do, which is to train and teach our children within a family environment. Up until this time, we have not burdened you with our problems, but we need your help now.

There are presently four issues that threaten home education, which will be outlined below. We ask that you please get involved in three ways. Timing is critical as there is no better time to expose inconsistencies and error than during an election.

First, carefully read the information provided:

  • It is very important that you be properly informed to avoid spiralling the issues out of control, thus creating confusion instead of clarity.

Second, after having carefully read the information presented:

  • Please inform those who would impede our freedoms of your objections.  We have provided example letters for each to properly address our concerns that you may chose to use directly or as a template for your own.
  • Please note that there is a special task for our secondary (high school) students who are being singled out for punishment!

Third, once you have emailed your concerns: