More Decisions – When? Choices (Part 7)
Categories: Choices, Léo’s Insights 2022-2023
When should we do “school”? This could be the shortest blog in history!
Follow a schedule that works for your family. Amen.
We have seen everything from rigid schedules that start precisely at 9:00 AM (not 9:05) and go until 12:00 PM (not 11:50) with a fifteen minute break to virtually no schedule of any kind. While a rigid schedule may not be to my liking, some families function better this way. Alternatively, having no schedule at all is also not my favourite approach as I believe there needs to be some form of structure.
I also have seen home education programs start at 11:00 PM and go to 3:00 AM. This may be why the children go to bed at 4:00 AM, get up at 2:00 PM and play until it’s time to start school. These are likely the children that may be taking the night shift, when they grow up. Although this is not my idea of a good schedule, it works for those who live with it.
The scheduling of schools is actually based on the antiquated original purpose for creating schools over a hundred years ago. Schools were commissioned to create a dependable and compliant workforce. Getting to work on time and putting in the same number of hours every day was what schools were supposed to teach children. I believe it only takes a single event to teach students about the importance of being prompt. Should they show up late for work one day, the resulting consequences will likely teach a careless student the importance of scheduling in a hurry.
While I believe unschooling is exercising freedom in education, I also believe it is a good thing to be disciplined and structured. Pick a schedule that works for mom, dad and children and be willing to move a bit to accommodate the daily changing dynamics of family life. Oh, by the way, while learning is designed to happen 24/7/365, “book work” need not have to be every day. And, since learning is always happening, one need not worry about doing book work for ten months. It is okay to take a break from book work when taking a holiday (geography lesson), having a baby (biology and family studies) or any other things that may get in the way of “book learning”. You can also do a little bit year round. You are the boss.
One thing you may want to consider is a reward system. That was very effective for our kids. We worked on a “contract” basis. They were given tasks (books, chores, projects) with the understanding that once it was completed, the time was theirs to do with as they wished. My children learned how to make the best use of time and tools so they could go out to play. Today, they are some of the most effective and disciplined hard workers I know, that is besides me! Ha! Ha!
You determine the schedule. Make it fit your family’s lifestyle. You are the boss.
This should answer the “when’s” of home education.
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