Categories: Léo’s Insights 2024-2025
I put one hundred and ten percent into everything I do. I say one hundred and ten percent because I have been blessed with an extraordinary amount of energy and I was taught to be dedicated toward excellence in fully completing any task. As a consequence, I really worked hard to be the best teacher possible. This required two very important things.
First, you cannot be a teacher if you are not first a learner. This may seem strange, maybe not, but there are people, even certificated teachers, who do not make learning a priority. Any person who fails or refuses to learn is bound to stay the same, as there is little possibility for growth. This explains why you can meet a school mate from twenty years ago who has not changed much over the years. Everybody needs to learn to grow. Having said that, not all learners are teachers, but every teacher needs to be a learner.
The next requirement to being a good teacher is having a goal. I was continually frustrated by colleagues who clearly demonstrated a lack of concern regarding their individual student’s accomplishments. These folks simply did their job in rote-like fashion, having students regurgitate what they had delivered. Students better at this process may have gotten the better marks, but would they make a better employee or citizen?
Unlike many of my professional colleagues, I simply refused to accept the notion that mastering half the curricular expectation was acceptable. I taught my students to put in their all and do the best they could in a quest for excellence. Most delivered as expected.
I certainly drew the attention of other teachers who would occasionally ask me for the secrets to my success. I am not sure how many got the lesson but the secret is summarized in one word… expectations. Students under the tutelage of uncaring teachers who expected nothing delivered as expected. Those guided by teachers with high expectations also did as expected. Students are not usually naturally lazy, but they will do as expected. Expect nothing and that is what you will get. Expect much and get much.
Home educating parents will do well to have high expectations. Strive for and demand excellence, but avoid unreasonable expectations of perfection.
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