Boredom With Class

Categories: Léo’s Insights 2024-2025

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I must admit, the young lady was very attractive. Not only was she pretty, but she had a confident demeanour that went beyond her good looks. She did not play the arrogant “aren’t I pretty” game, and most of the young fellows would have loved to ask her out on a date. However, she was so sure of herself, most of the guys thought she was out of their “league”.

At this point in the story, it is important to note that you can’t judge a book by its cover, although having a good cover does help. The content of the book or the person is what matters. I cannot say I knew what this young lady was like as a person, as our relationship was simply teacher-student. She was a good student, but that does not mean she was a good person. In any case, let’s continue with the story.

Wanting to somehow impress this young lady, a would-be suitor arrived in class early and loudly announced he was bored, obviously hoping to attract the attention of the only other student in the class, namely the topic of this story. I cannot imagine what was going on in this young man’s head or what he was trying to accomplish with such an asinine statement, but his comment hit its mark.

Remember this episode occurred in a high school classroom and involved young people who had yet to master the fine art of diplomacy. The young lady responded with a not-so-nice statement. She said, “Boredom occurs when someone does not have the brains to find something to do.” Needless to say, this statement completely negated the young man’s efforts to get her attention, at least from a positive perspective.

Despite the young lady’s lack of proper decorum in conversation, the point she made was valid. Productive individuals should not even know what boredom is. To be bored is indeed to lack the ambition to think for yourself or to contribute to a greater cause. This should not, I would like to say “should never”, be the case with the home educated. Home educated students should be encouraged to do something positive with their lives that goes beyond the self and includes serving.

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