Cancelling Christmas

Categories: Léo’s Insights 2024-2025

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No one knows when Jesus was actually born. I cannot lay claim to having more information than the rest, but scholars think it was sometime in October. God’s incarnation on earth is the most significant event in all of history so the fact that He came makes His actual date of arrival of little significance.

History tells us that one of the first Roman emperors to embrace the Christian faith was Constantine. In a political attempt to normalize the faith and compromise with the religious systems of the day, Constantine created a Christian celebration out of a pagan festival of trees and declared December 25 to be the birthdate of Jesus. Christmas didn’t exist before this took place in 312 AD, but it has been an integral part of the Christian faith ever since. The point is, for almost two millennia, Christmas has been celebrated around the world and it was brought to Canada with its founding. Religious hair-splitters refuse to celebrate a holiday rooted in paganism, and the secular folk would love to eliminate it altogether.

In a superfluous attempt to avoid offending non-Christians, the school at which I worked determined to rename Christmas, Winter Fest. Begging an answer is why anyone would want to celebrate winter? Seems to me, celebrating the redemption of mankind carries a little more weight than celebrating cold, dark days!

In any case, when the school determined to rename Christmas in order not to offend the non-Christians, guess who took the greatest offence? You guessed it if you said the very people the administration wanted to avoid offending. My Muslim, Hindi and Jewish students were quick to condemn the renaming of Christmas, partly because they could see that picking on Christians today would likely lead to picking on others tomorrow, and the fact that they enjoyed taking part in the festivities.

So, I remain steadfast in wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, not because I believe Jesus was born on that day but because Jesus was born and that is worth celebrating. I refuse to water down or negate what God did for us on that day, whenever it actually was, by using rather dumb terms like merry winter fest or happy holidays, both of which mean nothing at all to anyone. Cultural holidays should be celebrated, not redefined.

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