Who Has Your Back?

Categories: Léo’s Insights 2024-2025

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Those of us who tend to be leaders, movers and shakers often believe we are on our own. That is, we are more likely to see ourselves as loners, as the people who are with us are usually following us rather than walking beside us.

While this may be the perception we have, it is actually not true. To start, scripture says there is one who stays closer than a brother. Assuming what we are doing is in keeping with God’s design and direction, we can take that to mean the Holy Spirit is always there not only to guide us but to comfort us as well.

We are also helped in a myriad of other ways by a great many people who may not even be aware of the part they are playing in the ministry God has given us to accomplish. Our facilitation travels have taken us to nearly every part of this province and in looking back, we can clearly see how our needs and comforts have been met in so many ways.

Not mentioning the countless number of gifts both of the non-edible and edible sort, we have been on the receiving end of many “services”. We have been billeted by people who made sure everything was taken care for us. We have been helped out of car and truck immobilizing situations. We have many times had our vehicle washed while we visited a family. We have had our vehicle repaired, or replaced so we could carry on with our duties until repairs were completed. We have had our clothes washed, too! The most common example of people taking care of us has been the multitude of meals we have had the privilege of sharing with our families. Even though we eventually came to travel with our infamous red truck and camper, we very rarely had to eat a meal other than breakfast in it. In the end, people have always had our backs.

Speaking of which, we have also been supported by parents believing we were doing something worthwhile as we battled our way past opposition and persecution. One particular example stands out as a rather funny episode of someone having your back: I was debating an opponent at a conference and was surprised by how quickly he backed down. When I turned around, I discovered why. There was a very big and tall man standing directly behind me with his big arms crossed. He had my back and my challenger quickly saw I had “backup”. No one is ever alone if they have God on their side.

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