Embarking On A New Venture: Part 4 – Have a Good Summer
I don’t want to say this but this has been an awful year. Actually, the last two years have been very trying. However, it’s all been worthwhile because of the establishment of the Education Unlimited Academy. This new development is the pinnacle of my entire career as an educator. I cannot hide my glee with our new school situation!
No doubt there will be a lot of work and more than a few frustrations and disappointments, however it is nothing if not worth fighting for.
I want to end this year and this era by reminding you that June 30 will mark the end of Education Unlimited Inc., the private third party home education provider working on behalf of an associate school. This September will mark our inaugural year as a private school, the Education Unlimited Academy.
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Embarking On A New Venture: Part 3 – A Miracle
Most true believers know there is a reward for faithfulness, but most believe this is only obtained when we get to heaven. I am convinced this is true, but I also believe that in this world, you reap what you sow. Unfortunately this is too often quoted when people who are making bad decisions are threatened with bad consequences.
However, the Bible does not support an only-bad-consequences narrative. Those who sow good seeds reap good crops. This is not a big deal if you understand our job description as representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our job is to do everything with two things in mind: do everything to the glory of God and give Him thanks for the accomplishments. A perhaps more common sense approach is: “If you are going to do something, aim for excellence”.
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Embarking On A New Venture: Part 2 – Education Unlimited Explained
Last week, I shared about my long and continuing career in education. Today, I want to focus on how Education Unlimited came to be.
You will remember that a bad experience in my daughter’s school prompted my wife and I to reconsider what we had unquestioningly accepted as the only way to train and teach our children. That wake up call led not only to our decision to home educate, but also to me transferring to a large high school in Edmonton where I saw out my public school teaching career, fourteen years later.
Ironically, while I was still teaching in public school, I became a consultant for home education in my local school division, as well as a leader in our local support group. Because of my newly gained expertise in home education, I became a facilitator with a home education provider and soon became an expert on successfully moving students to the post-secondary level without needing high school credits and diplomas.
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Embarking On A New Venture: Part 1 – Some History
Yes, we are engaged in a new venture. Perhaps even my final big venture. This is certainly my biggest venture and most likely to be a really exciting adventure. This could be the culmination of my career in education, but God only knows that for certain. Before I get into what this new venture is, I think it would be a good idea to review a bit of history.
My wife, Faye, and I started our home education journey during the late 1980’s. I had been teaching in a variety of capacities for over ten years at the time and I was very disappointed with what I saw inside the school industry. Like most teachers, I had tricked myself into believing that while the school I was teaching at may have been less than ideal, the ones my children attended were somehow better. That “lie” was exposed when I was transferred to the school my daughter was attending.
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