What Should I do With my Kindergarten Student? Back to the Basics (Part 9)
Nothing! Let them play. The main reason schools accommodate children at that tender age is because the school system is first and foremost a daycare system. All they do is play at school, albeit maybe with a bit of structure, but how much academic programming is actually being advanced? I am not saying there is no programming, just a low level of academic programming. Please hear what I am saying. The younger they are, the more impressionable. School is where children first learn that the most important person on earth is themselves, the very thing we strive to remove from children at home.
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Foundations: Back to the Basics (Part 8)
The most fundamental component of any structure is its foundation. We all know this, yet when it comes to raising children – essentially building a life – we often forget the importance of building upon a solid foundation for living. This is not usually the case for the home educating, as the most common reason for deciding to home educate in the first place is a general dissatisfaction with the school system, particularly regarding faith issues.
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What is Required? Back to the Basics (Part 7)
One of the most common misconceptions regarding educating children at home is exposed by the question “What is required?” I am most perplexed when I hear that query from people actually professing to be unschoolers or desiring to unschool. This question can only be truthfully answered with a question: Who or what is establishing these so-called “requirements”?
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Unschooling Defined: Back to the Basics (Part 6)
The good thing about “education” is that it does not necessarily have to involve an institution such as a school. Although it does conjure up the idea of following a plan or program, it can and does exist without either. In fact life provides plenty of opportunities to be educated. Better to learn from the “school of hard knocks” provided by living in the real world, than the one being advanced in an institution lead by “experts”.
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Why Education Unlimited? Back to the Basics (Part 5)
In the last episode of the series, we exposed the term “education” to be code for indoctrination. This is potentially embarrassing for us as we use the word in our name. Why are we the Education Unlimited Academy? An explanation is in order.
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What is Education? Back to the Basics (Part 4)
One is hard pressed to find the word “education” in the Bible, so what is it? What does it mean? When is the word used? Where does it apply? The dictionary defines it as the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. Hmm, could it be that the word education is code for something else?
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Questioning Skills: Back to the Basics (Part 3)
While recovering from death’s door a year and a half ago, I asked God what was happening to this world that seemed to be spinning out of control. He immediately answered that it was because people believe their own lies, whether self-inflicted or implanted. Having a natural tendency to avoid having to admit error, and having no courage to stand against the wiles of the devil, most people simply acquiesce or worse yet, defend the errant positions.
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Why Home Educate? Back to the Basics (Part 2)
It is always a good idea to know why you are doing or planning to do something. We are all well acquainted with having habitually done things without ever having questioned why we do so. Most institutions specialize in enforcing the rote repetition of things without encouraging questions or independent thought. School ideology is especially prone to doing so. Not only does school and its related administrations repeatedly advance a particular narrative, but most people thoughtlessly advance these unquestioned precepts as factual and distinctive.
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Back to the Basics (Part 1)
Hello and welcome to the start of the 2023-24 academic year with Education Unlimited Academy.
I have been sharing my insights in these vlogs for ten years now. I initially started this venture at the behest of a few people who wanted to capture my insights for the future generations. It was indeed an honour to have people think I could offer wisdom for faith, support for family and hope for freedom.
After ten years of weekly instalments, I believe I have covered most topics at least once, but at the same time, these efforts have been buried in the nearly 400 videos that have accumulated on my You Tube channel, not to mention the many audios and videos located on leogaumont.com.