Léo's Insights
A place where issues related to the Christian walk and its application to home education is discussed.
Topics are meant to challenge you to think differently, to make a difference in this world, starting with the children you have been blessed with.
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Learning Challenges (Part 1)
What do Attention Deficit Disorder, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia and Dyspraxia have in common? Besides the fact that they are complicated words that all start with the letter “D,” they are examples of the many learning disabilities listed in web sites specializing on this subject.
As a bona fide dyslexic who has been involved for over forty years in the education “industry,” I can say that I have had a lot of experience with this topic. I can also honestly state that I have great reservations about how we see and how we manage “learning disabilities.”
Let’s start by looking at how the dictionary defines learning disabilities:
Continue reading “Learning Challenges (Part 1)”
Introduction to the 2018-19 Academic Year
Welcome to this, our sixth year of blogging! That is a lot of blabbing over a long time!
At first the blog was only presented in a text format. I remember sometimes having to quickly compose something the night before as I was not only the writer of the blog, but the manager of everything, as well. Some of you may remember the occasional time when you went to the blog on Monday morning to discover that the “manager” had mismanaged!
But things have changed. Besides the fact that I am obviously six years older than when I began blogging, I now have a team of very competent people helping me write, rewrite, proofread, record, edit, process and upload the final product in text, audio and video formats. I am very thankful for having these professionals working with me.
Continue reading “Introduction to the 2018-19 Academic Year”