Diploma Consequences for Home Education: Choices (Part 13)

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Most likely the biggest, most fearful consequence associated with home education is the potential for sabotaging a child’s future possibilities.  As I mentioned in a previous blog, “there will be consequences” for choosing home education, and again, you are probably hearing “that you will not like”.  At least that is what the entire world seems to be saying – loud and clear!

Let’s begin by answering the question about whether or not a child’s future will be handicapped by home education.

NO, you are not potentially ruining your child’s future.  Should they go to high school, and that is most definitely not recommended, they will have no problem integrating into their studies.
Continue reading “Diploma Consequences for Home Education: Choices (Part 13)”

What Accreditation Entails: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 4)

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Once again, a student left our organization for another, because it promised her a high school diploma. Now one needs to understand that a high school diploma is earned by following government programming, delivered by a certificated teacher, using approved resources.

Forgive me for being a bit cynical, but let’s take a closer look at this situation in order to understand just how mercenary people behave.

The particular third party agency involved in this story has had a sordid history of seemingly being willing to do whatever is in keeping with its own best interest.
Continue reading “What Accreditation Entails: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 4)”