Logo for Crandall University
Street Address:
333 Gorge Rd.
Mailing Address:
Box 6004
New Brunswick
Postal Code:
E1C 9L7
(506) 858 8970 Ext. 290
506 863 6460
Toll Free:
888 968 6228

Please Note: This page is maintained by the institution, and was last updated on 2023-11-01.


Crandall is a Christian University that offers certificate, undergraduate, and graduate program options. Our classes are large enough to challenge you and small enough that you get to know professors and fellow students well. A Crandall education prepares you for a world of possibilities!

This Institution:

 Does not offer online programming.

 Is actively recruiting home educated students.

 Is endorsed by Education Unlimited as Home-Education Friendly.

Endorsement Criteria

Home Education Admission Policy/Process/Procedure

Please Note: Directives are intended for students who lack Alberta Programs of Study Accreditation and serve only as guidelines when seeking or preparing for admission equivalents (alternatives) to Alberta 30 level requirements.
Specific admission requirements vary with programs.

The following documents and supplementary materials are required, along with an application, in order for the admissions office to complete a knowledgeable assessment.Transcript of Grades: The applicant must provide a list of the courses and grades that he/she completed in grades 10 through 12. This may be generated by an independent homeschooling agency or by the applicant’s parent(s)/guardian(s). The name of each course or subject covered should be indicated on the transcript document, along with the grade received in each course and the duration of the course including the number of hours and weeks.Portfolio: It is recommended that the applicant provide a cover letter indicating the length of the homeschooling study, the pedagogy employed, curriculum choices, etc., used in education. The letter could also include a reflection on the homeschooling experience, as well as an outline of the applicant’s university plans and career aspirations.The applicant must provide a brief course description and syllabi of the courses studied with a list of the texts used. This is especially important for those students interested in Crandall’s science program. Home educated students are encouraged to apply and are warmly welcomed at Crandall University.

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