Logo for Memorial University of Newfoundland
Street Address:
230 Elizabeth Avenue
Mailing Address:
Office of the Registrar (A2000)
St. John's
Newfoundland and Labrador
Postal Code:
A1C 5S7
Not Available
Toll Free:

Please Note: This page is maintained by the institution, and was last updated on 2023-11-02.


Located on Canada's Atlantic coast, Memorial University offers a diverse range of undergraduate and graduate programs on our campuses in Newfoundland and Labrador. We welcome applications for undergraduate admission from home-schooled students, as outlined in the link below.

This Institution:

 Does offer online programming.

 Is actively recruiting home educated students.

 Is endorsed by Education Unlimited as Home-Education Friendly.

Endorsement Criteria

Home Education Admission Policy/Process/Procedure

Please Note: Directives are intended for students who lack Alberta Programs of Study Accreditation and serve only as guidelines when seeking or preparing for admission equivalents (alternatives) to Alberta 30 level requirements.
Specific admission requirements vary with programs.

https://www.mun.ca/undergrad/admissions/i-want-to-apply/home-schooled-student-requirements/ In the absence of a high school transcript from an accredited institution, the following documentation is required: - Scholastic test scores: Canadian Achievement Test (CAT) or SAT - Personal statement: The applicant’s letter should provide an overview of the curriculum used in home-based education: subjects studied and topics covered, text books used, who provided instruction, and how testing was achieved. It should also discuss the applicant’s academic abilities, extra-curricular activities, interests, goals and any other information that demonstrates preparedness for university-level study. - Letter of academic reference: The reference should be from a third party outside the home and should discuss the applicant’s skills and abilities and preparation for academic studies at the university-level. - Transcripts: Official transcripts from accredited post-secondary institutions (if applicable). Refer to our university or college transfer applicant requirements.

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