"Just wanted to express my sincere gratitude and overall happiness with EU thus far since coming on board with you. The facilitator is fantastic, my questions are being answered, the overall flow of the web site is really easy to use - including sending in receipts, etc. Thanks very much and keep up all the great work EU!"
"Homeschooling... what an overwhelming experience. By faith we began and in faith we will continue! We are so thankful for Education Unlimited and their continued encouragement in the Word of God to raise a godly generation for His honor and glory!!
"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Psalm 118:11.
We always look forward to a visit with Leo and Fay Gaumont. We are challenged to keep growing and we are eager to learn to better guide and train our children in the Lord. "
-Joe and Jocelyn
"We have worked with Leo and Faye since before there was an Education Unlimited. They passionately believe in home education, and in the ability and authority of the parents to take on this responsibility. We have appreciated their encouragement and wisdom for 15+ years."
-Molly Ortlieb
"I was reading this morning and found a verse that was like a warning to me .
The verse is John 4: 1- 3 where Jesus realizes that the Pharisees are keeping score of the baptisms made by Christ (his disciples actually) and those of John the Baptist. What ministered to me the most was that when scorekeeping entered the scene that is when Jesus got up and left. He promptly travels to a Samaritan village and the first person he speaks to is a woman who is as opposite to the Pharisees as he could possibly find. It almost looked like a slight against their counting/grading/competition. (I will bless someone you despise ??)
I heard Leo speak the other night. He said, "We grade eggs not kids".
As a parent I should be careful to not grade Christ.
God knows how to raise a child."
-Tracy Bidne
"We have been with Education Unlimited for over ten years. Leo & Faye feel more like family than home school facilitators. Their integrity in confidentiality is flawless. They recognize and support the reality that the family unit is the basis for all education. Having been home school parents themselves, and having been a teacher, makes their insight and advice of great value. But by far their greatest impact on us has been, when they visit us, you have the sense that you have just spent time with two people who care about what's happening in your family and are dedicated to giving you what you need to succeed in bringing up children in the "fear and admonition of the LORD". Their advice is practical, timely and gracious. With enough humor and straight forwardness to make it real."
-David & Gloria Seabrook
"With difficult circumstances pending after my grade 5 year, my parents decided to begin the homeschooling process. From grade 6 through high school I, along with my 3 siblings, were taught at home. Even though we were a tiny minority, my parents persevered to bring us all through our complete home education at home. It was not an easy decision for my parents and I am so thankful now for the Christian education I received. Now, as my husband and I embark on our journey, I am so thankful for people like Leo & Faye who have come alongside us to help us in the home education of our children. I have three children that I have the privilege of teaching at home. What a reward it has been already...and we are only four years in! No regrets - only anticipation as we look forward to the future!"
-Rea Neudorf
"As a family with five children, who have all completed their home education, we have been grateful to Education Unlimited for their down-to-earth, practical advice and knowledgeable support. They have been very helpful in navigating our children through the high school years."
-Sharon Bevaart
"We have been with Education Unlimited during the 6 years we have homeschooled and they have been tremendously helpful to us! They are always there to answer questions at any time! Their visits twice a year are very enjoyable and they are quick to help whenever we need it! Thank you Leo & Faye!!"
-Trudy Reimer
"We began our journey of homeschooling when our oldest child was finishing grade 4. It became clear to us that our second child was not going to fit within the wanted parameters of the public school system. Having literally no idea what we were doing we turned to the most knowledgeable place, the internet. After researching our options we decided to go with the blended programming, it was here that you received the most funding. As the one who was preparing the kids IEP's, I always felt frazzled and quite overwhelmed. After a few years of chaos, we met Leo and Faye and life has never been the same. They have supported us and helped us identify who we are as a learning family. We are so grateful for them in our lives."
-Michelle Pollock
"We used ACE for our home education program. As it was Bible-based, the scripture verses in the books made it clear that we could know for certain that we are saved. That was the beginning of our journey to freedom in Christ and Spiritual warfare. We have found Education Unlimited to be easy going, very friendly and understanding. It is nice to work with Christian people that care."
-Abe & Anna Fehr
"We appreciate, so very much, the many years of service and expertise you have provided for us as a home schooling family. Your visits have been so encouraging, and we cannot even guess at all the behind-the-scenes work you have done. So, THANK YOU for being there for us as 'facilitators extraordinaire'!
Love in Christ,"
-Glenn, Christy, Denae, and Jay Wiebe
"We have so much freedom to enjoy learning what our children are interested in, and it's at their own pace. We have 3 children and have been home educating for 6 years now. Having gone through public school myself, I never liked the idea of the overcrowded classrooms, the lack of one on one time the teacher spent with me, or how I wasn't able to learn what really interested me. Bullying was another issue.
We certainly didn't want our children to have to experience what public school was like.
Our children ages 12, 9 1/2, 4, have the freedom to enjoy learning what they are interested in and doing it at their own pace. We believe that learning doesn't necessarily have to happen through text books, but through everyday life experiences and opportunities.
-Kevin and Debbie Weir
"I am a mother of 2 daughters and chose the home education approach. I am so thankful I did! I don't know if I would have succeeded or even tried without my amazing facilitator who has been an encouragement to me so many many times. I strongly recommend Education Unlimited for all families seeking to home educate. "
-Eva Fehr
"We have been with Education Unlimited for eleven years now. At first I was a little nervous about having someone check in on us to see what we were doing. I was immediately put at ease on our first visit. Our facilitator was primarily interested in encouraging me when at times I felt like such a failure as a parent and teacher. By the end of each visit I was challenged to keep doing what I'm doing and it's okay to make mistakes. Education Unlimited has also been a great resource for choosing curriculum as they have worked with so many families using different curriculum."
-Sharon Dyck
"Our family has been with Education Unlimited for the past six years and they have been a great blessing to our family. Not only do we find our facilitator very helpful and supportive but when our family went through a great struggle a few years ago we really saw how much care and concern Leo and Faye have for their families as well. Education Unlimited is a great fit for our family."
-Jaime Wissink
"This will be my third year home educating. I was home educated and look forward to the years of learning together with my son. I have appreciated Education Unlimited in that I know I have support for the choices our family makes. I am also thankful for the advice we have freely received. "
-Donna Wiebe
"Léo Gaumont is having a profound impact on home education in Canada. He is the leading expert on the admission of home educated students into post-secondary institutions in this country. His expertise and advice are sought after from coast to coast. Léo has single-handedly broken down numerous barriers faced by home educators desiring access to colleges and universities in Alberta and other provinces. The long-term impact of his work will be especially significant. The changes in post-secondary admissions policy he is initiating will benefit home educators throughout Canada for generations to come. With his peerless knowledge and special talents, it is clear that he has been uniquely raised up for such a time as this."
-Dr. Michael Wagner
"When we first connected with Education Unlimited I was trying to prepare myself and our daughter for high school. I mean after all, we all have that nagging question: what about a diploma? And: how will she get into college? The journey with Education Unlimited from there was very freeing. I loved the time that Leo and Faye gave us to put our minds at ease. We focused on the basics and gave our kids the tools and opportunities to excel at their interests and passions. Education Unlimited always gave us encouraging words something along these lines: 'Give your child the freedom to be who God has created them to be. Don't push them into someone else's agenda or curriculum plan, like a square peg into a round hole.'"
-Diane Van Doesburg
"We are Philip and Mimi Friesen hailing from Northern, Alberta. We have 3 children, ages 18, 16, and 13. We have been a home educating family now since 2005 and have been registered with Education Unlimited for most of those years. We have been very encouraged with how Education Unlimited has mentored us through some of the concerns and challenges we faced as our children are sliding into home base. We have always been quite passionate that our children's education must be Christian based and wanted our facilitators to have the same vision for our children without the pressures and fears that would coax us into the Alberta curriculum. We are convinced that our home education experience has been as good as it could probably get-1st a big thank-you to the LORD then Education Unlimited."
-Philip and Mimi Friesen
"When we moved to Alberta, we were quite intimidated and nervous about picking a school board. Education Unlimited has been an answer to prayer! Not only have they encouraged us to home educate through high school, but they have challenged our way of thinking about education itself. There is no one size fits all in education, and we have much happier children now that their parents have learned how to relax! Our facilitators have helped us to challenge why we believe what we believe and to break down the many dogmas in our lives. Their love for Christ is evident the first minute you meet them! They also encourage you to raise and teach your children the way that Christ intended (by the parents, as they are responsible to God for them, and love them more than any other human can)."
-Ron and Jen Lepage
"Where do you turn when you don't know the way? You find a pioneer who has travelled the road and is blazing the trail ahead of you. That is what we feel we have found in Education Unlimited. Léo and Faye have blazed the trail through post-secondary education for their own offspring and are now blazing the trail for the rest of us in our home education journey and helping us to each help another find the way."
-Pam Weir
"Thank you for everything! Kai and I are grateful for the support and home education facilitation over the last 10 years. I greatly appreciate the work that you do and I think we are so lucky to have someone like yourself and your team here in Alberta. Tamara was an amazing facilitator and was always there for us, providing timely knowledge and support. We are going to miss her!"
-Darina Falsnes
"My husband and I were new to home education and I was especially apprehensive about the whole thing. However, after much prayer and speaking to Leo and Faye, we felt assured that this was the right decision for our teens. We started out at the high school level with both students. It has been a struggle to determine which curriculum to use as there are so many choices. But our facilitators have been readily available at every turn to assist in any way they can. Home education without a facilitator would have been far more daunting. They have walked through the hardships and melt downs with us, especially me. They have stilled my anxiety and have alleviated my preconceptions of what education should look like. Life continues to school them."
-Tina Wiebe
"We really appreciate the direction and steadfastness of Leo & Faye, and their uncompromising high standards of biblical home education. It is a comfort to know that there are people who really care about our children's future, and the freedoms which we enjoy in the province of Alberta."
-Rob & Kelley Stang
"We have had the privilege of registering our children with Education Unlimited for many years. We continue to enjoy the liberty of educating them in our unique family dynamics. We thank God for sending us to Education Unlimited."
-Elly Wierenga
"We have been with Education Unlimited for about seven years now. The staff at EU has always treated us politely, with respect, valuing our input and concerns and they have always replied to us in a timely manner. We are personally facilitated by Leo and Faye, and were lovingly welcomed and accepted into their lives, not as parents and students, but as family. Leo and Faye have been a real blessing in our lives, not just for educational purposes, but friendship, and also to challenge us spiritually. We also take great comfort in the years of wisdom and experience they bring with them, and because they stand for truth! Our time with EU and Leo and Faye has opened our eyes and minds to a whole new lifestyle of educating! "
-Jake & Annie Friesen
"Homeschooling has been our answer for my autistic son. Nadia and Education Unlimited allow us to tailor fit my son's educational interests, while allowing flexibility with regards to Autism, itself.
-Kim Gairdner