Victory Bible Colleges International

Street Address:
10623 - West Valley Rd. S.W.
Mailing Address:
Box 65077 North Hill P.O.
Postal Code:
T2N 4T6
(403) 286-8337
(403) 286-8335
Toll Free:
Not Available

Please Note: This page is maintained by the institution, and was last updated on 2019-11-01.


Victory Bible College was designed with the student in mind! We offer online based Holy Spirit inspired teaching that will help prepare a student for the destiny that God has in mind.

This Institution:

 Does offer online programming.

 Is not actively recruiting home educated students.

 Is not endorsed by Education Unlimited as Home-Education Friendly.

Endorsement Criteria

Home Education Admission Policy/Process/Procedure

Please Note: Directives are intended for students who lack Alberta Programs of Study Accreditation and serve only as guidelines when seeking or preparing for admission equivalents (alternatives) to Alberta 30 level requirements.
Specific admission requirements vary with programs.

Entrance Requirements: Have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ & believe in the infallibility of the Bible Have a sincere desire to study the Bible and grow spiritually Follow the application procedure Be at least 17 years of age or have completed secondary education Note: To graduate from the Undergraduate or Graduate Degree Programs, students must have their high school matriculation or GED. Mature students (over 25) who lack a high school diploma may apply for "Mature Student Admission", and will be required to demonstrate a level of knowledge generally consistent with that of students with high school matriculation in order to ensure they are prepared to undertake studies at a post-secondary level.

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