Post-Secondary Success: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 8)
Success. What is it? When asking parents how they would define success for their children, the answer usually boils down to one thing, happiness. Children are usually a bit more idealistic respecting their futures, as would be expected of those not yet acquainted with much life experience.
Regardless, if you think about it, every student is post-secondary bound, insofar as he/she will complete the secondary (high school) level, whether it involves accreditation or not. Either way, accreditation is no guarantee of college attendance.
No doubt, every job, task or career involves higher education.
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Alternatives to Accreditation: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 7)
There are a number of ways that accreditation is offered through home-based learning options, but as mentioned before, since this approach is far more difficult than simply getting the credits at school, not only do home based students often come up short with poorer grades or an incomplete transcript, but they place themselves in competition with the majority of post-secondary applicants who have gone to school.
In my opinion, based on decades of high school experience and in keeping with my faith, a better and much easier approach to preparing for the future is to avoid any accredited courses altogether. It is better to follow an individualized home education program that allows a student to focus and specialize in keeping with the student’s gifts and talents.
Accommodating for individual differences is the very thing that accreditation cannot do. A program that has everyone follow a standardized path, can only result in conformity. Allowing for individual growth, home educated students are generally at the post-secondary level by the time they get their driver’s license, usually just a few days after their sixteenth birthday!
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Who Encourages Accreditation? No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 6)
Now that we have dealt with the myth of requiring government accreditation and certification, we need to address why this issue comes up in the first place.
Every loving parent wants what’s best for his/her children. Home educating parents have the added desire to have the children educated so that all possible realistic options are made available for each child.
If the only way they know and understand is through government programs and accreditation, then parents will desire to go that route. Should the parents desire this, there are a few options at their disposal.
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How Accreditation Can Be Harmful: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 5)
School based public programming may work in schools, for which they were created, but they are very difficult to complete at home. These programs are designed to be delivered by a certificated teacher, not as an outline for those teaching themselves. Few agencies offering public programming make this information known.
Another thing to consider is that it is better to have never started a job than to have started one without completion. Let me explain.
A home educated student using alternatives to public programming will not have a transcript of her high school program on government record, as would be the case for accreditation seeking school attendees.
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What Accreditation Entails: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 4)
Once again, a student left our organization for another, because it promised her a high school diploma. Now one needs to understand that a high school diploma is earned by following government programming, delivered by a certificated teacher, using approved resources.
Forgive me for being a bit cynical, but let’s take a closer look at this situation in order to understand just how mercenary people behave.
The particular third party agency involved in this story has had a sordid history of seemingly being willing to do whatever is in keeping with its own best interest.
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“Believing” in Accreditation: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 3)
Why do most people, including those who are home educating, believe that only government approved programming and accreditation will guarantee student success? There are two things that need to be considered to gain insight into this phenomenon, involving both the cause and the effect.
There are two main players comprising the bulk of the education industry. Needless to say, this does not include students, who are only involved insofar as they are absolutely required to fuel the engine of this industry.
The founding player is government, which has both logistical and nefarious motivations. Understand that the need for a good education, combined with parental desire for daycare services directs the government to make the school program last as long as possible.
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Ubiquitous Belief in Accreditation: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 2)
Let me list a few things about education that we generally accept without question. Have you ever heard an alternative to children starting school when they are five or younger, or having to continue attending over the next twelve or more years?
Who questions the delivery of programming being broken into academic years, schedules and subjects? What about a child having to learn to read by age six, lest they be condemned as slow or handicapped?
How about fixing the child that does not fit the school mold? Standards? What are they? Better still, does anyone really know what is actually being taught in schools? How is it possible that a disconnected and distant government would be better acquainted with what your child needs than you?
Continue reading “Ubiquitous Belief in Accreditation: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 2)”
Adapting to the Narrative: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 1)
A good friend of mine swore in church! Not only did he swear, but he did so… out loud… in his deep baritone voice, yet!
Obviously, he was upset, so much so that he did not care who heard him. He could not believe that, after having faithfully attended church his entire life, this was the first time anyone had ever given an alternate viewpoint to something he had simply come to accept as being factually true and therefore, trustworthy.
Actually, he was more than upset. He was aghast. How could a critical thinker be so duped, brain washed, directed to believe in something, without supporting evidence, without a mention of potential problems, and most certainly without alternative points of view?
Continue reading “Adapting to the Narrative: No Diploma? No Problem! (Part 1)”