Testing Home Education – Part 4: Back to the Basics (Part 23)
Categories: Léo’s Insights 2023-2024, Back to the Basics
The most common form of persecution coming from outside the homeschooling community is likely from within your inner circle. I am talking about family members who take issue with your decision to educate your children yourself.
This one is usually a shocker. Because home educators tend to be independent critical thinkers, we generally believe family members will applaud our decision to do things differently with our children. This often becomes the biggest obstacle to a peaceful transition from school. Sometimes people who have demonstrated little interest in you or your family surprise you with objections when you choose to educate your children at home.
Most people are threatened by change. When you decide to do something different, it threatens family members who may challenge your thinking and offer their advice. It is very important to understand that most of the time, the people sharing their concerns regarding your educational choices do so with all sincerity. They are usually sincerely concerned about the well-being of your children (most often the case with grandparents), or they sincerely want to stop you from making them feel bad or guilty for not doing the same thing.
I cannot count the number of times we have run into this problem. It is almost a standard consequence of choosing home education. Grandparents will eventually accept your decision, often because of your resolve to do as you have chosen, but also because they will observe your children’s joy and their natural willingness to learn while they grow.
Others may not be as kind, especially if they have wholeheartedly bought into the idea that only government agencies know anything about learning. This is especially problematic when extended family are teachers themselves.
Remember that your decision will challenge those who are not doing as you are, even without you saying a word. No need for talking; those who know you are right will want to shoot the messenger because they know you have made the correct decision while exposing their error. This is especially so for family employed by the education system.
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