Testing Home Education – Part 7: Back to the Basics (Part 26)

Categories: Léo’s Insights 2023-2024, Back to the Basics

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Now that we have addressed the biggest opposers of unschooling within the home education community, let’s address what may be the biggest surprise of all.  It is not unusual for home educating children to oppose your resolve to teach them at home.  Natural curiosity is usually the impetus for home educated students wanting to go to school, especially if they have not attended and are being influenced by children who are.

Social issues also play a big part in children wanting a change.  This is especially so once the children reach puberty, a time when friends become an important element in their lives.  This issue can be resolved by offering more activities to enable fellowship outside the school environment, where many unwanted issues are prevalent.

There is also always the age-old idea that one’s parents are not as wise or nice as friends’ parents, meaning children will come to question your decision to teach them.  This is also normal and quickly resolved by asking your children how you can be “improved”.  Usually, this helps children (usually post-puberty) to realize they have it pretty good.

Although this internal opposition can be very challenging, even hurtful, do not forget why you initially decided to home educate.  Reflecting on why will quickly restore the how.  You simply exercised your authority in order to prevent the school from having a negative influence on your children.  Not that parents are perfect, but they are better suited to train up their children in the way that they should go.

Not every child will mutiny against home education, but if they do, you are still the older, wiser parent.  Children should not be given choice before they are truly old enough to understand all the ramifications and consequences.  You still have this authority.  Just say no… and leave it at that.  You’re the boss!

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