Everything Goes Dark: Reflections (Part 14)

Categories: Léo’s Insights 2022-2023, Reflections

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I believed the new year, 2022 would have to be an improvement over the last year of tragedies, failures and disappointments.  I had only just met the application deadline for accreditation when I sustained a major head injury followed by headaches beyond description.  Although we had hosted a staff gathering in late January, I recall very little of what transpired.  A few days later, my very concerned wife took me to emergency, fearing for my life.

That’s how 2022 nearly ended before really getting started.  I was diagnosed with a severe case of Covid-19 and clearly told I might not see the morning.  The next thing I knew, I was in another hospital and placed in isolation, with the full expectation that I would not recover.  I really did not have enough energy or cognizance to care.  Besides, what little I can remember, death did not hold anything over me.  I was not afraid of departing this damn world.  Not after having gone through the worst year of my life and having lost my son.  In fact, heaven looked really good.

However, God was not finished with me, or my assigned task was not yet complete, so against many odds, I pulled through.  I should mention that my daughter was not entertaining losing her father in addition to having lost her brother so she did get seriously involved in this situation.  I credit her with saving my life.

Oh, while I was in the hospital, the fifth Maria Event was initiated, but I could not deal with it, leaving the school in a sorry state.

The Lessons
One cannot exaggerate what one thinks about when knocking on death’s door.  Many things did indeed go through my head.  I will share a few of the lessons learned through this experience.

As mentioned, if we truly understand salvation, death has no victory and no sting.  I was in no way fearful of the possibility of dying.

Education Unlimited had grown immensely over its two decades of operation.  Having a natural ability with computer technology, I had created a sophisticated system, but I was the only person who understood it and knew how to run it.  Had I died at this time, the EU system would likely have died also.  I knew I had to make changes going forward to ensure the ministry would continue.

I had somehow missed the fact that I had aged by over twenty years since the creation of Education Unlimited.  This near death experience made me realize I needed to start acting my age!

My recovery was during the freedom convoy and it was truly inspirational to see so many people stand up and say, “Enough!”  When I considered how we had come to a place where rights and freedoms meant nothing, I was reminded that the main reason things go sideways is most people believe their own lies, regardless of how this has come to be.  When we fail to question what we are being told, we give up critical thinking, honesty and truth seeking.  The loss of these virtues will always lead to a loss of freedom.

One other lesson.  When one’s mind is cleared of clutter, solutions can be very simple.  In most cases, that means letting go and letting God.

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